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  • bathroom roomset - product swap
  • family bathroom - product swap room set

Product swap imagery is an absolute must have in your digital asset arsenal.  Any company with a large range of products will find it difficult to showcase each individual product within a unique main room set image. It can be costly, time consuming, and often inefficient.

Streamlining your marketing content with just a selection of images can ensure that the items themselves receive the required exposure time whilst keeping within your marketing budget.

The main room set is repurposed, with the feature products ‘swapped out’. Decor, viewing angle, lighting and all other setups remain the same as in the main shot. Providing a side by side comparison shot of a range of products is vital for the consumer to see how your product will sit in ‘the real world’.

To discuss more about how we can support your CGI marketing collateral with product swap visuals, get in touch!


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Whether you know exactly what you need, or are unsure and want suggestions, come say Hi